You can if I can

You can do anything. You just have to believe.

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Location: Birmingham West Midlands, United Kingdom

Here I am in Australia. I got to the other side of the world. But I’m not rich or famous. I am what you call a PLODDER like a tortoise. In fact that sounds exactly like me – quietly getting wrinkles with my home around me. With time, effort and Gods help, I find I can do anything if I believe it. YOU CAN TOO. GIVE IT A GO

Saturday, 28 March 2009


Don't give up now - God has not given up on you.

If you turn to Christ - God will adopt you into his family - no matter who you are or what you have done. This is open to all. The Lord's prayer states he is OUR FATHER. Everyone.

Your salvation does not depend on how good you are, but on Jesus Christ and what he did for you. You cannot earn salvation. In fact he chose you because you are very precious to him and he sees you without blemish.

He went to the cross and he died for you. All your sins — every one of them — were placed on him and if you truly believe in Him, you have a clean sheet from the very moment you give your heart to him.

God’s will is for us to turn away from sin, and let Christ take control of our lives. The Gospel will show you how to live a life full of love and praise.

Imitate the ways of Christ. He is our guide.

You won't always succeed but you can admit your temptations and tell him you need his help to overcome them. He knows you just can’t defeat them on your own. He knows all about you - there's no need to explain. You are no longer alone with your troubles.

The Bible tells us that "nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39). Surround yourself with other Christians. They will encourage and help you.

Start now and make Easter a date to remember. The time you really changed things for the better and for good.

GO IN PEACE. You have much to smile about.

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Sunday, 22 March 2009


You cannot add a single second to your life - so start living it to the full from this very moment.

This is not a rehearsal and you cannot go back. You cannot go back to tell people that you loved them.

You cannot go back to say thank-you. Start doing it from today and keep on doing it. It costs nothing but has immense value.

Give out the hugs and kisses you have for your loved ones.

Listen to the elderly, while they are around.

Give your children lots of attention and encouragement before they leave home .

Say you are sorry and stay in touch with your friends. Keep no enemies.

You will live, learn, grow and improve with each new day. You are a good person. You are truly loved and there is more in you than you ever imagined.

Colour your life in goodness. Do not get depressed, - turn away - switch off and allow yourself just five minutes to be full of hope and joy..

Be thankful you have got this far – you have survived this far.

Praise the name of Jesus for what you have and watch your life get better and better. Just work at it day after every lovely new day.


Friday, 20 March 2009


See this situation as a great opportunity to change for the better. The recession could not only improve our lives but those of our children.

People work so hard they no longer enjoy life. They struggle on just to have the latest things for themselves and their families – to make them feel good but what are they really losing.

The time to be a family, to, go for a walk together. To know each other. Is your life like that ?.. It cannot be much fun! But has this hard earned money made us any happier People begin to wonder if there is a better way. And right now is the time to think and talk about it. Has this recession given us the opportunity we need to re-access what we really need.?

We could do no worse than to look back to our grandparents who lived through the war on very little. They could not waste anything and we need to revaluate what we use and learn their skills in making more with less and sharing. – cut right down on waste. We could get to know each other better, build a sharing community, have inexpensive fun. like watching a sunset together, or going for a walk somewhere close by or reading to the children.
Our health would improve with less stress. People will choose to eat more vegetables and less meat because its cheaper and make their own dinners, eating together and sharing the experiences of each day.

We would all be healthier with the greater activities and our children would have better lives having ‘be prepared’ and ‘the make do and mend’ attitudes of our grandparentsBy having less, we may end up with more - these forgotten simple pleasures are more valuable than the latest toy or gadget.These times do give us the opportunity seek out what is truly important to us and to help shape the world to be the way we want it – not just for now but for our children’s future.

We can do it. We must.


Tuesday, 17 March 2009


Don't live in the dark or listen to all the doom and gloom – it will drag you deeper into the darkness. Look on the bright side. There is one if you look hard and it will get brighter the more you start shine. How ?

Love yourself and your family. Then love your neighbour. Do you even know your neighbours ?

Open your eyes and look around you . Start within your own little space and know who and what there is around you. Have a coffee session for your neighbours where they bring their own biscuits. Its a good starter for conversation. Then stay in touch - beyond the quick nod in the morning.

Ask for their advice on something small so that they will feel easier when they need to ask you. for advice. Get the ball rolling. Knowing your neighbours adds greater security. Everyone will benefit.

Take one small step - like a child learning to walk and climb out of your dark hole toward the light and you will start to see what you have around you and what you can do.Then make yourself do something new every day. It doesn't have to be big - maybe speak to someone new.

There is a very good reason for you to be here. Other people need you right now. They need to see your smile.Your personal world gets bigger as you expand your circle of friends. Be at peace.

All seeds start in the dark but they eventually grow into the light and become straight and strong and beautiful.


Saturday, 14 March 2009


Worry has a bad taste. It taints your freedom. It can mess up your tomorrows as well as today, It can tie you up in knots. Maybe we have to go down, to come up again. If life was always up, you would not recognise the change. In fact life would be boring. If the sun always shone, you would pray for rain. When it is always hot you'd want to be cool.

At least when you reach rock bottom, you know how deep it is. So maybe life is not as bad as it seems. Go back to a past problem or sorrow. You survived it and you can again. You will continue to survive. Each time, you are growing in strength and understanding.

You WILL get through your problem and life will get better.

You WILL be stronger and have greater understanding.


Thursday, 12 March 2009


There is a reason and purpose for you to be here and it is a very important reason. Sit and think about it for a minute .

You cannot imagine the time and trouble it has taken to get you here now and to set up this world.

God had everything to do with it. So what have you got to do now?

LOVE - and you will receive his Love
BELIEVE IN HIM - He already believes in you
FOLLOW HIM - HE knows all about you

YOU are the only one to do what HE needs right now.

" I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" Jeremiah chapter 29 verses 11 - 13
That's why you are here.

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Wednesday, 11 March 2009


Any idea ? Well, have you ever really considered this ?

Two people had to be in the right place at the right time. They had to meet and like each other. There's got to be a successful union.

OK - but they had to get here. So this affects more people - four people in fact.

Then 8 people, 16, 32 and so on right back to the very beginning of time itself. That involved a great number of people over a very long time -just so YOU can be here RIGHT NOW.

Never EVER think YOU are insignificant. YOU are something of a miracle


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